Drinking coffee: October 2020 Newsletter, by Dr Jerry J Masarira, (Naturopath. D. CBIS)

 Americans love to be opposite. The British play football, soccer, kicking the ball the whole game.

Americans play what they call football although it does not make sense because it is more of “Hands ball and feet running”. Just to fix the British. It was going to make sense had they named it “American rugby”. But who cares as long as they a confusing the British.

The British plip the on, light switch in the house by flipping the switch down. The Americans flip on, upwards. Just to fix the British.

The British drive on the left side, Americans drive on the right. Just to oppose the British.

They decided to drink coffee instead of tea, just to fix the British.

After the Boston tea party in Massachusetts, around 1773, Coffee was introduced in USA as a protest to the British. Drinking coffee in America is now like breathing.

Coffee is a staple drink in America, same as tea in England. It is a stimulant that exists naturally in some sixty plants, the most familiar are Kola nuts, cacao beans, coffee beans, mate leaves, and guarana paste. Its effect is heightened physiological arousal, same as caused by stress in releasing of cortisol (stress hormone).

Coffee belongs to a family of Alkaloids, plant derived compounds that have positive and negative sides. The family includes cocaine, morphine, quinine, nicotine, atropine, and strychnine. More specifically in that family, coffee belongs to the subgroup, Methylxanthines, along with Theophylline and Theobromine. All have the ability to trick the brain into thinking they are the neurotransmitter Adenosine.

Adenosine is a relaxant that restore the central nervous system from sympathetic to parasympathetic arousal, which means, from stress to relaxation.

Coffee binds the adenosine receptor sites, preventing the relaxing effects of adenosine and maintaining high arousal. That is why coffee drinkers do not sleep when working at night.

Adenosine promotes relaxation. When one drinks coffee, there is also another problem coffee causes. It blocks an enzyme called (PDE) phosphodiesterase. This enzyme breaks down adenosine.   

When coffee blocks PDE, that means there will be more adenosine available in the body. That makes coffee drinkers have multiple personalities. This makes your brain psychomotor stimulated. It then increases fast heart rate, fast breathing.

People who drink coffee and have stressful jobs experience more health problems, than those with stressful jobs who don’t drink coffee. This is because of the double effect of cortisol (stress hormone) coming from the job itself and cortisol from coffee.

Caffeine in coffee triggers the release of calcium in large quantities and causes body cells to collapse. If one has cancer, your cells which are already victims become more affected as they collapse.

Consuming of coffee of 400 mg per day is associated with dependence. Symptoms of coffee dependence may include diarrhea, nausea, lightheadedness, irregular heartbeat, irritability, and insomnia (problems of sleeping)

One other sign of coffee dependence is feeling dizzy upon standing from prone position. Normal people experience a rise in blood pressure, but coffee addicts experience a drop in blood pressure

When you drink coffee, the caffeine remains in the body as follows:

1.   Healthy adult is 6 to 12 hrs.

2.   Pregnant women 18 hrs.

3.   Preterm infants 65 to 100 hrs.

4.   Term infants 80 hrs.

5.   3-4 months old 14 hrs.

This means caffeine that is ingested by women in their last few months of pregnancy will remain in her system three times longer than usual. This exposes the unborn child to caffeine three times longer. Caffeine also makes its way into breast milk.

Its not healthy to drink coffee. I use coffee when treating a patient with severe constipation as an anema. It can only be done by professionals. You cannot do it at home. Drink herbal teas for health purposes even when you feel cold. Do not drink coffee. It has no benefits. 

If you have any questions, please contact me at:



 Dr. Jerry J. Masarira, Naturopath D. CBIS.

Enpro Consultant and Certified Brain Injury Specialist.

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.

Alt. drmasarirajj@aol.com
